Issue №: 4(103)
У збірнику висвітлено питання підвищення продуктивності виробництва продукції сільського і рибного господарства, технології виробництва і переробки продукції тваринництва, харчових технологій та інженерії, водних біоресурсів і аквакультури
Ovsienko S.М., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
The paper contains the research results on triticale grain efficiency as a feed additive and its effect on productivity, slaughter rates and the internal organs of fattened pigs. The additional pigs feeding by triticale bran at the rate of 200 g/head per day causes the higher intensity of pigs growth and development and the nutrients effective use. It also increases their average daily growth and feed conversion. According to research results, the animals of the experimental group reached a 90.6 kg gross increase of live weight. It is 21.9 kg heavier than the control group. In the research period, average daily growth significantly increased in the experimental group. It was 553 g, it is by 31.9% more than the control group has. At the same time, the feed consumption per kilogram of growth decreased by 22.9% and it was 4.7 feed units versus 6.1 feed units in control group. The digestible protein consumption per kilogram of growth were lower by 22.8% in the experimental group. It was 461.5 g versus 598.5 g in the control group. The obtained results proved triticale grain efficiency as a feed additive for metabolic processes in the animal's body of the experimental group due to the presence of stimulating factors in the triticale grain. It has caused an increase in the intensity of their growth during growing and fattening. Slaughtering rates of young pigs have proved that animals fed by a feed additive with triticale grain (experimental group), had a larger slaughter weight by 14.8 kg than the control one. The carcass output of the experimental group animals has also increased. The pigs fed by triticale grain bran had the longer average length of half carcass than the control one by 3.1 cm. The area of the muscle cell in the carcass from the experimental group was 33.1 cm2 and it was larger by 3.45 cm2 than in the control group. Feeding pigs by triticale grain as a feed additive affected the stomach weight, the mass and length of the small and large intestines due to the stimulation of metabolic processes in the gastrointestinal tract. The presence of alkyl resorcinol and arabin xylan in the triticale grain caused stimulating action and as a result increased the growth rate of animals. They also caused an adaptive reaction by the piglets of the experimental group.
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About journal
Аnimal feeding and feed technology; current problems of animal breeding, breeding and hygiene; food safety and food processing technology; aquatic bioresources and aquaculture
Certificate of state registration of the print media: КВ № 21523-11423Р 18.08.2015
Founder of the collection: Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Georgia Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Editor-in-Chief: Viktor Mazur, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Associate Professor, VNAU (Vinnytsia)
Deputy editors-in-chief: Aleksidze G.M., D.Sc.(Ph.D.), academician of the Academy of agricultural sciences of Georgia; Yaremchuk O.S., D.Sc.(Ph.D.) Professor, University of Vinnitsa (Vinnytsia)
Secretary in charge: L. Kazmiruk
Editorial Board full list
Editorial board
Mazur Viktor, Candidate of Science, Associate Professor of VNAU (Editor-in-Chief);
Guram Aleksidze, Ph.D., Academician of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences Georgia (Deputy Editor-in-Chief);
Yaremchuk Oleksandr, Ph.D., Professor, VNAU (Deputy Editor-in-Chief);
Members of the Editorial Board:
Ibatullin Ildus, Ph.D., Professor, Academician, NULES;
Kaletnik Hryhoriy Ph.D. (Economics), Academician of NAAS of Ukraine, VNAU;
Zakharenko Mykola Oleksandrovych, Ph.D., Professor, NULES;
Vashakidze Archil, Ph.D., Academician, National Coordinator for Agricultural Electrification and Automation (Georgia);
Giorgadze Anatoly, Ph.D. (Engineering), Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Georgia;
Grib Josip, Ph.D, Professor of NUHPP;
Dzhaparidze Givi, Ph.D. (Economics), Academician, Vice-President of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences science of Georgia;
Georgiy Yeresko, Ph.D. (Engineering), Professor, Corresponding Member of NAAS of Ukraine, Institute of Food Resources;
Vlasenko Volodymyr, Ph.D.(Engineering), Professor of VTEI;
Kulyk Mykhaylo, Ph.D., Professor, Corresponding Member of NAAS of Ukraine, VNAU;
Kucheriaviy Vitaliy, Ph.D.(Engineering), Professor, VNAU;
Lysenko Alexander, Ph.D., Professor, Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Science, Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Minsk);
Lyotka Halyna, Ph.D., Associate Professor of VNAU;
Mazurenko Mykola, Ph.D., (Engineering), Professor;
Polishchuk Galina, Ph.D., Associate Professor;
Sychevsky Mykola, Ph.D.(Economics), Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Food Resources;
Skoromna Oksana, Ph.D., Associate Professor;
Chagelishvili Revaz, Ph.D., Academician, National Forestry Coordinator (Georgia);
Chudak Roman, Ph.D., (Engineering), Professor, VNAU;
Sheiko Ivan, Doctor of Science, Professor, Institute of Animal Science of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Zhodino);
Kazmyruk Larisa, Ph.D., Associate Professor of VNAU (secretary in charge).
Edition: Collection
Type of publication for the intended purpose: scientific
Edition status: shared
Year of foundation: 2015
Frequency: 1 to 5 times a year
Volume: 4 to 10 ppm (format A-4)
Edition language: (different languages) Ukrainian, Georgian, English, Russian
Scope and category of readers: nationwide, foreign researchers, university professors, graduate students, students and professionals of agriculture and fisheries and food production
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