Issue №: 5(108), т.1
У збірнику висвітлено питання підвищення продуктивності виробництва продукції сільського і рибного господарства, технології виробництва і переробки продукції тваринництва, харчових технологій та інженерії, водних біоресурсів і аквакультури.
Radchikov V.F., Doctor of Agricultural Science, Professor
Tsai V.P., Сandidate of Аgricultural Science, Associate Professor
Besarab G.V., Research Associate
Republican Unitary Enterprise «Scientific Practical Centre of Belarus National Academy of Sciences on Animal Breeding»
Golubenko T.L., Сandidate of Аgricultural Science, Associate Professor
Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
As a result of research on efficiency of biologically active supplement «Kormomiks» for young cattle feeding, it was determined that animals of experimental group significantly exceeded their coevals from the control group in respect of digestibility of dry and organic matter by 4.8 and 4.0 p.p., respectively, BEV – by 3.3, fat – by 0.7, protein – by 3.7, fiber – by 6.8 p.p., which indicates a high activity of cellulolytic enzymes ensuring increase of fiber digestibility.
The difference in nitrogen consumption with feed is insignificant, 3.5 g higher in the experimental one. Excretion with feces is 9% lower in the experimental one; as a result, 3.5% more of the element is deposited in the animal body. When feeding Kormomiks, there were also differences noted on the use of calcium and phosphorus by experimental steers. Thus, the animals of experimental group had a 7% less consumption, however, its intake from the feed was 16% higher than that of the control group steers, as a result, the deposit made 20.0% compared to 11.3% in the control one.
The same trend was noted for the phosphorus use. However, its intake with feed was slightly higher with the experimental animals, and excretion with feces was lower as a result, with nearly the same excretion of phosphorus in the urine, it was deposited in the body by 36.2% more.
The blood analysis showed a positive effect of the supplement on hemoglobin content, which turned out to be 7.7% higher within the physiological norm indicating more intense metabolic processes occurring in the body of experimental steers. A 6.3% increase in the number of red blood cells and 14.7% decrease in white blood cells were also determined.
Based on the control weighings, the body weight was determined and performance of experimental group steers was calculated.
Research have shown that in terms of weight gain energy, experimental group turned out to be 7.4% higher than the control one, the same trend was in terms of metabolizable energy costs by 1 MJ in weight gain only to a lesser extent – 4.3% lower. Feed costs also turned out to be 2.5% lower in young animals that received feed containing biologically active supplement “Kormomiks”.
The cost of the daily diet was higher for the young animals in the experimental group, but the cost price of weight gain for them due to the greater performance of steers decreased by 3.3%.
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About journal
Аnimal feeding and feed technology; current problems of animal breeding, breeding and hygiene; food safety and food processing technology; aquatic bioresources and aquaculture
Certificate of state registration of the print media: КВ № 21523-11423Р 18.08.2015
Founder of the collection: Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Georgia Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Editor-in-Chief: Viktor Mazur, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Associate Professor, VNAU (Vinnytsia)
Deputy editors-in-chief: Aleksidze G.M., D.Sc.(Ph.D.), academician of the Academy of agricultural sciences of Georgia; Yaremchuk O.S., D.Sc.(Ph.D.) Professor, University of Vinnitsa (Vinnytsia)
Secretary in charge: L. Kazmiruk
Editorial Board full list
Editorial board
Mazur Viktor, Candidate of Science, Associate Professor of VNAU (Editor-in-Chief);
Guram Aleksidze, Ph.D., Academician of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences Georgia (Deputy Editor-in-Chief);
Yaremchuk Oleksandr, Ph.D., Professor, VNAU (Deputy Editor-in-Chief);
Members of the Editorial Board:
Ibatullin Ildus, Ph.D., Professor, Academician, NULES;
Kaletnik Hryhoriy Ph.D. (Economics), Academician of NAAS of Ukraine, VNAU;
Zakharenko Mykola Oleksandrovych, Ph.D., Professor, NULES;
Vashakidze Archil, Ph.D., Academician, National Coordinator for Agricultural Electrification and Automation (Georgia);
Giorgadze Anatoly, Ph.D. (Engineering), Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Georgia;
Grib Josip, Ph.D, Professor of NUHPP;
Dzhaparidze Givi, Ph.D. (Economics), Academician, Vice-President of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences science of Georgia;
Georgiy Yeresko, Ph.D. (Engineering), Professor, Corresponding Member of NAAS of Ukraine, Institute of Food Resources;
Vlasenko Volodymyr, Ph.D.(Engineering), Professor of VTEI;
Kulyk Mykhaylo, Ph.D., Professor, Corresponding Member of NAAS of Ukraine, VNAU;
Kucheriaviy Vitaliy, Ph.D.(Engineering), Professor, VNAU;
Lysenko Alexander, Ph.D., Professor, Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Science, Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Minsk);
Lyotka Halyna, Ph.D., Associate Professor of VNAU;
Mazurenko Mykola, Ph.D., (Engineering), Professor;
Polishchuk Galina, Ph.D., Associate Professor;
Sychevsky Mykola, Ph.D.(Economics), Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Food Resources;
Skoromna Oksana, Ph.D., Associate Professor;
Chagelishvili Revaz, Ph.D., Academician, National Forestry Coordinator (Georgia);
Chudak Roman, Ph.D., (Engineering), Professor, VNAU;
Sheiko Ivan, Doctor of Science, Professor, Institute of Animal Science of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Zhodino);
Kazmyruk Larisa, Ph.D., Associate Professor of VNAU (secretary in charge).
Edition: Collection
Type of publication for the intended purpose: scientific
Edition status: shared
Year of foundation: 2015
Frequency: 1 to 5 times a year
Volume: 4 to 10 ppm (format A-4)
Edition language: (different languages) Ukrainian, Georgian, English, Russian
Scope and category of readers: nationwide, foreign researchers, university professors, graduate students, students and professionals of agriculture and fisheries and food production
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Agrarian Science and Food Technology Established in 1994 under the name of the Collection of Scientific Works of VSAU.
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Listed in the updated list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine in agricultural sciences under the name "Agrarian Science and Food Technologies" (ground: Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of May 16, 2016 No. 515).